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Navarro Independent School District

The Heart of Geronimo

Junior FFA 

Junior FFA Membership Dues

  • Navarro ISD students in grades 3-8 are eligible to join the Navarro Jr. FFA IF their parents join the Navarro FFA Booster Club.
  • Jr. FFA dues are $5 in addition to the parent's FFA Booster Club dues (which start at $50 per family).
  • Jr. FFA dues must be paid to the Navarro FFA Treasurer and a completed Jr. FFA Membership form (Google Form) must be submitted.
  • Jr. FFA dues must be paid by October 1st.

Navarro Junior FFA Meetings

  • Jr. FFA meetings are held on the same night as the FFA Booster Club meetings.
  • Jr. FFA members are expected to attend at least 50% of the meetings in a calendar year in order to be eligible to show through Navarro FFA.

Fundraiser Requirements

  • Jr. FFA members are expected to participate in the annual Navarro FFA fundraiser by selling a minimum of 5 items.
  • Jr. FFA members who do not sell the minimum number of items will be required to pay $5 per item not sold (maximum of $25) to be eligible to enter stock show projects through Navarro FFA.