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Navarro Independent School District

The Heart of Geronimo

Equipment Checkout 

We are using Sign-Up Genius to coordinate the checking out of all Navarro FFA Livestock Equipment. Please click on the appropriate link below to check out a piece of equipment. Instructions for checking equipment out can be found at the bottom of this page.

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Weller (

Remember: Equipment may be checked out for NO MORE than two (2) consecutive days at a time! This is to ensure that all members needing to use the equipment will have the opportunity.

  • These cages are designed to fit in the bed of a truck. Please be sure the cage is secured properly in the bed of your truck when hauling. We have two cages available: a lighter weight aluminum cage with a tarp on the top and a heavier steel cage with a tarp with roll down sides.

  • Clippers are available for lambs, goats, cattle and pigs. Please sign-up at least two days PRIOR to your planned clipping day to make sure that clippers are available to be checked out.

  • Navarro FFA has two livestock trailers available for parents to use to haul Navarro FFA members' livestock projects. The trailers are being kept at the E.C.A. Puls Farm which is just to the north of the school on Hwy 123. Trailers may be checked out for a maximum of two consecutive days. If the trailer is needed for a longer period, permission must be granted by the Ag Teachers.

    A Trailer Use Agreement form MUST be signed and turned in each year to Ms. Weller PRIOR TO use of either Livestock Trailer. The form can be found on this page. A copy of the driver's driver license and vehicle insurance form are required to be turned in with the form. We are not able to make copies in the Ag Building. Please bring all copies with you when you turn in the Trailer Use Agreement form.

  • Navarro FFA has scales available for weighing cattle, lambs, goats, and pigs. The cattle scales are an electronic set of scales and can be loaded on the back of a truck. The lamb/goat/pig scales are hauled on small utility trailers and two scales are available. Scales may be checked out for a maximum of two consecutive days. If the scale is needed for a longer period, permission must be granted by the Ag Teachers.

    A Trailer Use Agreement form MUST be signed and turned in each year to Ms. Weller PRIOR TO use of the Lamb/Goat/Pig Scales. The form can be found on this page. A copy of the driver's driver license and vehicle insurance form are required to be turned in with the form.  Please bring all copies with you when you turn in the Trailer Use Agreement form

  • Navarro FFA has two stands available for use when shearing/clipping lambs and goats. Please sign-up at least two days PRIOR to your planned clipping day to make sure that a trim stand is available to be checked out.

  • Select the link below of the month you are needing to sign-up for equipment.  The link will take you to the SignUp Genius page for that month and allow you to select your date and piece of equipment.

    Remember, use of livestock trailers and lamb/goat/pig scales requires additional paperwork to be filled out PRIOR TO use of the equipment.  The Trailer Use Agreement Form is linked on this webpage.

  • A copy of this Trailer Use Agreement Form MUST be on file with Ms. Weller PRIOR TO use of any Navarro FFA trailers.  This includes the two blue livestock trailers, as well as the two scale trailers.  In addition to this form, a copy of the parent’s driver’s license AND current insurance card must also be turned in to Ms. Weller.  Trailers are to be hauled ONLY by parents of current Navarro FFA members.

    Navarro ISD Livestock Trailer Use Agreement Form