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Navarro Independent School District

The Heart of Geronimo

89th Legislative Session Priorities

Legislative Priorities

In preparation for the 89th legislature, Navarro ISD announces key legislative priorities.

School Funding

  • The basic allotment must be adjusted on inflation to ensure school districts are able to maintain the constitutional obligations of a comprehensive education.
  • The special education funding formula should be updated to provide adequate fiscal support to fully fund all federally required services.
  • Any educational institution or provider receiving public funds must be held to equitable and transparent fiscal and academic standards.
  • Businesses should be incentivized to invest in communities through property tax reduction agreements that allow for local control over agreements and the endowment included.

School Safety

  • School safety allotment must reflect the comprehensive needs of school districts to maintain and increase proactive and reactive safety and security.
  • School safety grants should allow for school districts to make spending decisions that reflect the needs of their communities.
  • The State of Texas should incentivize law enforcement to partner and provide additional support and security to independent school districts.


Accountability rules should be established and adopted before the start of the school year to which the rules apply.


Retention and Recruitment

  • The State of Texas should guarantee all children have continuous access to high-quality educators. This can be achieved by ensuring that educators’ base salaries increase with inflation and provide affordable healthcare insurance and retirement plans that resemble benefits packages offered to state governmental employees.
  • The State of Texas should remove retirement-related penalties to ensure all students experience reasonable class sizes and experienced education professionals.
  • The State of Texas should prioritize and incentivize programs that increase the recruitment of education professionals through the residency program allotment.

Tier II:

  • School district budgets should not be held hostage by misaligned local and state appraised values. The Comptroller and county appraisal districts need to proactively establish corrective actions plans to ensure school districts do not fall victim to disagreement in property value.