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Navarro Independent School District

The Heart of Geronimo

Band Boosters

Navarro Panther Band Boosters

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  • The Mission of the Navarro Panther Band Boosters is to positively impact the students in the Navarro Band Programs. Providing financial support where needed and parent volunteers to assist the band directors in accomplishing tasks that benefit the band students and program.

  • We encourage all Band Parents and Supporters to join the Band Boosters and participate in the meetings and activities. We cannot do it without your support!

  • We support the activities of ALL Band Students (grades 6 through 12) which currently number over 300 students. At all grade levels, our band students have excelled in all competitions in which they participate. We are greatly proud of the work and honors that they have accomplished. It takes a team of dedicated folks to support these students by assisting them at games, concerts, and competitions and raising funds for their various activities, needed equipment, instruments, and specific needs throughout the year. Fundraising activities include our annual golf tournament, fan cloth, and other specialty item sales, concessions for the district, and other special activities as needed.

  • Booster meetings are held on the 1st Wednesday of each month on ZOOM at 6:30pm, links are sent prior to the meeting.

  • Check out our Facebook page: Navarro Panther Band Boosters or email us at:

    Please join our Band Remind @navarroba and our Band Parent Remind @bwacas

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Scholarship Application 2024-25

Volunteer Opportunities

Navarro Panther Band Boosters is a growing organization of parents and other volunteers who help support the needs of the Navarro Panther Band Program. From 6th to 12th grade, we support over 300 kids who participate in various band programs including Beginner Band, Junior High Band, High School Marching and Concert Bands and our Jazz Band.

We raise funds to help support all Navarro Band Programs, buy needed instruments and equipment, and fund other projects to lessen the burden of individual students and parents and the school district overall. We also provide numerous volunteer hours to help organize, chaperone and otherwise support the band directors who educate our kids in the study of music.

We are proud of the many accomplishments of the collective Navarro Panther Bands that have received top awards in practically all areas of competition from Junior High to High School.

We hope that the support of parents within the Band Boosters is a part of the Band’s success.

We need all Band Parents to help support the Band Boosters efforts to make sure that students have what they need, when they need it. The more volunteers we have, the less the burden is for all.

So please consider joining, supporting and volunteering in the Navarro Panther Band Boosters by signing up TODAY by downloading, completing and returning the attached form. If you will be in direct contact with the students, you will also need to complete and return the attached background check form.

Navarro Panther Band Boosters 2024-2025 Executive Board:

  • President: Brandy Wacaster
  • Secretary: Veronica Sassenhagen
  • Treasurer: Katie Cole
  • Fundraising: Lisa Person
  • Publicity: Claudia Loera
  • Volunteer Coordinator: Matt Ramos and Lauren Neumann

We encourage you to use our Executive Board email address at for general communications.

Volunteer & Calendar