Despite challenging weather this month, interior work at the new school continues. Classroom walls are being finished with electrical, mechanical, and ceiling work progressing. Drying systems are in place, allowing work to continue. Other areas are in various stages of drywalling and mechanical/electrical installation. The Fine Arts and CTE areas are nearing completion, with all mechanical equipment set for an anticipated startup soon. The AG Barn roof is complete, and interior work continues. Site work will resume when weather permits, prioritizing the Link Road rear drive for construction traffic access.
Construction Update
Exterior work has made noticeable progress. Exterior Insolation and Finishing System (EIFS) and masonry work at the classroom wings is visible from Hwy 123, and is in progress along the east, south and west sides of the building. At the classrooms, walls are first coated, and ceiling grid installation has begun. Ceramic tile work at first floor is underway in the corridors and restrooms. The Admin area sheet rock is nearly complete, door and window frames are in, above ceiling work continues. In the large commons area mechanical duct, fire sprinkler, storm drain work continues above. Glass is in. At the Cafeteria and kitchen, sheetrock, window framing, mechanical ductwork, plumbing installation continues above. Metal stud framing, sheetrock underway at the Auditorium. CTE, Dance Cheer, Band Hall in Area F of the building continue with CMU work, block filling. Athletics areas of Locker rooms, Weight Room, Practice Gym are hard to access with all the scaffolding for the large CMU walls. Walls here are full height, and masons finishing up to allow the roof work to continue. At the AG Barn the exterior walls are up, interior insulation liner is in, and wall panels are going up. Roofing complete on classrooms, administrative offices, Auditorium, CTE/Fine Arts wing, and the locker rooms.
Exterior Finishes Taking Shape
As you drive by on Highway 123, you can't miss the progress on the new high school:
Exterior Work:
Interior Work:
We're excited to see the project continue to take shape, and we can't wait to welcome students and staff to this state-of-the-art facility!
Construction Continues Smooth and Steady
Click here for contractors report.
Classroom Wings:
Other Areas:
External Updates:
Construction of New High School Continues On Schedule Click here for contractors report.
Concrete work and steel forms have gone up for the Ag Sciences and Athletic areas.
Steel for the catwalk has been erected in the performing arts center, and crews continue other steel work in this area.
Building Construction
Site Work
Concrete Work Nears Completion
Click here for contractors report.
Summer is here and we have added ice, coolers and shade around the jobsite for the crews.
All concrete for the second floor is complete. Structural concrete for weight and locker rooms is scheduled and will complete the concrete work at the main building pad. Prep work for concrete for the ag barn will begin the next two weeks, and work continues for the student and staff parking lots.
Roofing installation has significantly progressed the past two weeks and is nearly complete on the classroom portion of the building. This allows top out sheetrock to be underway at the classroom area corridors. Exterior and interior metal wall framing continues in the CTE Health Science area, and interior metal wall framing in the cafeteria and kitchen. Roof decking and steel support for the auditorium and both gyms are underway.
MEP, fire sprinklers, blocking in walls, above ceilings, waterproofing and sheathing is nearly complete. Masonry work and blocking for east wall and interior dividing walls has begun.
Due to large cost impact, AGCM has requested that the design team look at alternatives for curb drainage required by the City of Seguin for the Timmerman Road traffic signal. This will entail further conversations with TxDot. At the Link/Huber intersection, the Geotech firm is awaiting approval for an excavation permit from the county. Once TIA, Geotech, and surveys are received, Claycomb will provide a preliminary design to the county for further review.
Rain Doesn’t Stop Construction
Click here for contractors report.
Sheathing and water proofing around both floors of the classroom wing and administration area are nearly complete. Blocking is complete in the first floor of the classroom wing, with fire sprinklers, mechanical, electrical and plumbing continuing installations in walls and above ceilings. The second floor of the classroom portion has mechanical, electrical and plumbing in wall and above ceiling in progress, and framing is complete. Roof decking in this area is also complete. Interior metal framing at the administration area is complete. Structural steel at the auditorium, cafeteria, kitchen and CTE areas continue.
With abundant rain over the last few weeks, Bartlett Cocke crews brought in sump pumps and got to work removing water quickly.
The competition gym home side, and the practice gym are prepped and scheduled for concrete pour. Approximately three pours remain to complete the main building, plus one more for the Ag Barn.
Pre-construction meetings for the Hwy 123 traffic signal at the new main entrance will be scheduled. The City of Seguin Capital Projects has released the permit, and Bartlett Cocke is reviewing scope of work with subs. Procurement meetings with Meteor Education are scheduled to begin discussions on transition, review and inventory of existing furnishings.
At the Link/Huber intersection, the surveyor has been released to begin this work, and Claycomb has made contact with the County to review the extent of the scope of work. The security/technology consultant has received the video surveillance layout and design, and is working on provided construction drawings.
Playgrounds, Parking & Drives: The Board of Trustees approved the ranking of contractors for services for the Playground, Parking & Drives project allowing for scheduling of summer work.
Athletic Facilities: The Board of Trustees received and approved a presentation from Bartlett Cocke and LPA Architects explaining Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) 2 to procedure mass site grading, elevator and electrical gear. The design layout and renderings of the new high school athletics facilities was also presented.
New Elementary Campus: The Board of Trustees approved LPA Architects' presentation of the schematic design of the new elementary campus allowing the next phase of design to begin.
Chiller Replacement: Pre-construction documents are 90% complete for the chiller replacement at the current high school campus. Design team meetings are scheduled to continue reviewing progress.
Elementary Refresh: Refresh projects at the existing elementary will continue after the new elementary design is finalized, ensuring both campuses receive equitable and aligned improvements.
Junior High Refresh: The Junior High refresh project has a well defined scope, and the architect is refining quantities and measurements to finalize estimates.
The Athletics Complex design continues, with the Board of Trustees approval at the January Regular Meeting of Guaranteed Maximum Price Package #1 allowing for procurement of seating and press boxes. Navarro South Elementary design and development are underway, with coordination with the City for utilities. The high school chiller replacement design is progressing. The Drives, Parking, and Playgrounds project is out to bid, with bids due February 6th. The Junior High remodel and refresh project is in scope development, with focus on core spaces. Finally, the existing Elementary and Intermediate refresh continues scope development, exploring ways to align with the new elementary school design.
Meeting 3 – 2024 Bond Oversight and Facilities Planning Committee
On December 11, the committee met with key agenda items including a presentation of the Long-Range Facilities Master Plan, draft timeline for Bond 2021 and 2024 projects, and the most recent demographic report. Architectural firms LPA and Corgan presented the preliminary schematic site map of the new elementary school project, parking, drives and playground project, respectively.
Corgan Architects presented a schematic design for the drives, parking, and playground improvements. The goals for the project includes
The designs were created through a needs assessment, work with an engineering team to evaluate possible queuing and playground configurations, and feedback received from campus/district administration, staff and teachers on the New Elementary Design Committee, and from the 2024 Bond Oversight and Facilities Planning Committee.
By removing the perpendicular covered walkways, ultimately, all traffic coming off of Link Road will be able to freely que from the Annex to the Intermediate and back reducing the congestion on Link Road. The design also allows flexibility to be able to drop-off/pick-up at both campuses if needed without having to re-enter/exit onto Link Rd. The design will increase parking: Intermediate: 225 to 250 spaces Elementary: 83 to 170 spaces Playgrounds Playground design highlights include:
New High School Athletic Facilities
With the input of the Athletic Advisory and Facilities Planning Committee regarding the fan experience, student needs, site
planning, city requirements, and budget, the district team and LPA and Bartlett Cocke continued to review
design options and details. Designs are scheduled to be presented to the Board of Trustees in December.
Drives, Parking and Playgrounds
The parking and playground projects were finalized with Corgan Architects. The renovations which will start Summer 2025 will allow for traffic to come off of Link Road and provide ADA accessible play spaces for PreK-5. We are coordinating with LPA Architects to
replicate the playscapes and free play fields for parody at the 2-5 elementary campuses. Designs are scheduled to be
presented to the Board of Trustees in December.
New Elementary Campus
The Elementary Design Committee reviewed preliminary design based on the feedback from teachers, administrators, and staff. The committee gave feedback on exterior access, cuing, playscapes, parking, interior colors, and classroom layout.
On October 15, LPA presented long range planning and feedback to the elementary staff for further input thru schematic and design elements.
An estimated timeline has been established for Bond 2024 Projects. Please note that all dates are subject to change.
Design Timeline Dec 2024, Design Complete/Apply for Bldg Permits
Construction Start March 2025
Baseball/Softball Complete Dec 2025
Football Stadium and remaining fields/courts complete by June 2026
Traffic Impact Analysis underway with a report expected in November.
Geotech and materials testing will proceed per board approval once pricing is received and accepted.
Continued programming/design meetings with architect and contractor to build estimate
Proposed Design Development by the November 2024 Board Meeting.
NEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL #2 (2021/2024 Bond) Delivery Method:
Design Timeline Civil/Utilities (GMP-1) June 2025, Vertical (GMP-2) January 2026
Open for School: Fall 2027
Zoning approval received September 2024
Traffic impact Analysis underway.
Stormwater Management Plan - Analysis application submitted to the City, Review results received October 2024
Recommendation for Construction Manager at Risk submitted to the Board October 2024.
Design Timeline: September 2024 – December 2024
Construction: Substantial completion Aug/Sept 2025
Cueing to get off Link Rd.
Playgrounds move to the rear of the school.
Structural Drawings review and Board presentation November 2024
Design Timeline Oct 2024 – Feb 2025
Construction Jan 2026 – June 2026
Review analysis of existing equipment October 2024.
Structural Drawings available November 2024.
Design Timeline: Oct 2024 – Jan 2025
Substantial Completion Open for Fall 2026
Substantial Completion Open for Fall 2027
Intermediate transition to 2nd – 5th Elementary
Elementary transition to Early Childhood PreK – 1st
At the September meeting, the Board of Trustees approved the architecture firms that will be leading the design and planning for the district’s 2024 bond campus refresh projects. These projects, made possible by NISD voters, aim to modernize and improve school facilities throughout the district.
These firms have been selected based on their experience, expertise, and commitment to providing innovative and functional designs that align with the district's vision. They will work closely with district administrators, teachers, and community members to ensure that the projects meet the needs of our students and staff. We are excited to see these projects come to fruition and look forward to the positive impact they will have on our community.
Meeting 2 – 2024 Bond Oversight & Facilities Planning Committee On September 11, the committee met to review feedback and updates of the first meeting for visioning and programming of the elementary project, and then discussed visioning of the new athletic facilities. Members participated in discussion and group activity facilitiated by LPA Architects for consideration of site topography and restrictions, parking and restroom capacity, and design elements for fields, pressboxes, entrances, etc.
Intermediate Student and Family Feedback At Open House on September 25, students and families had an opportunity to meet the architects and project managers and provide feedback on design elements of the new elmentary school and athletic facilities.
On August 21, the 2024 Bond Oversight and Facilities Planning Committee held the first of four meetings with the purpose to provide vision and recommendations to the Board of Trustees for the development of projects approved in the 2024 Bond.
Approximately 30 members attended the first meeting hosted by LPA Design Studios to discuss Programming and Visioning of the New Elementary School with an anticipated opening of Aug. 2027. Superintendent Epley kicked off the session with a timeline recap of the 2024 Bond and Long Range Master Plan and shared the sites purchased for future 2-5 elementary campuses.
Members participated in discussions and group activities around options for campus layout, features, and various learning and play spaces. Future meeting agendas will include discussion of the New Athletic Facilities (Prop B and C) and a developing recommendations to the Board of Trustees for consideration.
At the July 15 regular meeting, the Board of Trustees approved several action items to move forward with projects in the 2024 Bond:
Congratulations Navarro Panther Family,
With the following District priorities in mind,
Navarro Independent School District announced a $120 million bond election scheduled to take place on May 4, 2024. The decision to call the bond election came after the Board reviewed the work of the District Long-Range Master Planning Committee, consisting of 33 community members, parents, students, faculty, and staff, dedicating their time from November 2023 to January 2024 to assess the current state of the district, demographics, areas no longer meeting current standards, financial impacts, and opportunities with current facilities.
The bond election, unanimously approved 7-0 by the Board of Trustees, consisting of a $120 million bond is divided into three separate propositions to address current legal requirements:
We want to thank all who voted in the bond election. The District and Board of Trustees is committed to supporting the students, families, and staff of Navarro ISD with open communication, fiscal responsibility, and collaborative visioning for the future through engagement of students, families, staff, and community members. We are grateful for the passage of Bond Proposition A, B and C. Of the 859 votes cast, the results were:
We will continue our mission to grow our students, our district and our community by building collaborative partnerships to cultivate positive relationships that grow successful students; helping them make connections that prepare them for their future. The results of this election help to shape our planning for the future and guide our operational decisions.
We will continue our commitment to communication and transparency and will be posting design and construction/renovation updates on the Bond 2024 AT WORK page as the projects get underway.
Mandy Epley
The Navarro ISD Long-Range Facilities Master Planning Committee is made up of faculty, staff, students, parents, and community members who came together to discuss and make informed decisions to manage growth and district needs. After extensive research, discussions, and considerations the committee presented their recommendations for future facilities and priority projects for the Navarro Facilities Master Plan to the Navarro Board of Trustees for consideration.