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Navarro Independent School District

The Heart of Geronimo

Teacher Incentive Allotment

What is Teacher Incentive Allotment

An outline of the state of Texas with a bar graph and the text 'Teacher Incentive Allotment'.

HB 3 established the Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) to recognize effective teachers on three different levels: Recognized, Exemplary and Master. These teacher designations generate additional teacher-focused allotment funding for districts in order for them to reward their top performers.

What is a designation?

Teacher designations generate additional teacher-focused allotment funding for districts to reward and retain their most effective teachers. Teachers earn designations through two different routes. First, National Board Certified teachers are eligible to earn a Recognized designation. Second, districts may designate their effective teachers when they are approved for a local teacher designation system. The approval process is multi-step and includes the submission of a system application to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and then a data validation process through Texas Tech University.

How TIA Works

Steps for Teacher Incentive allotment graphic

Steps for Teacher Incentive Allotment graphic

  • Teacher leading a classroom discussion with students engaged in learning.
  • Teacher observing students as they work on computers in a modern classroom setting.
  • A group of children enjoying a fun day in the gymnasium, playing with colorful, standard equipment and scooters.
  • Teacher using flashcards to teach her class.

Local Designation System Requirements

House Bill 3 provides districts with local control and flexibility in choosing how to evaluate teachers and assign designations. Developing a local teacher designation system requires significant planning, robust stakeholder engagement, adequate time to prepare all necessary materials for rollout and a strong communication plan prior to the first implementation year. Once a local designation system is approved, districts may recommend their effective teachers for designation. There is no limit to the number of teachers that a district may designate as long as their teachers meet the district’s designation criteria and the eligibility requirements under the rules defined by TEA.

At minimum, the designation system must include both a teacher observation and a student performance component:

Teacher observation based on T-TESS; a third-party rubric, such as the NIET TAP, Marzano, or Danielson rubric. District application must show evidence of validity and reliability.

  • Student growth measures determined by district. Can include pre- and post-tests, value-added measures, student learning objectives (SLOs), and portfolios. District application must show evidence of validity and reliability.

  • Districts can use other factors in determining the teachers eligible to receive a designation, such as student surveys, teacher leadership responsibilities, teacher mentorship responsibilities, family surveys, demonstration of district core values, teacher peer surveys, and contributions to the broader school community.

The systems must be submitted to TEA for approval and undergo a data-validation process, which will be conducted by Texas Tech University. As part of the validation process, Texas Tech will:

  • Review alignment between teacher observation ratings and student performance ratings.

  • Review alignment between student performance ratings and value-added ratings for applicable teachers.

  • Review data validity by appraiser/rater, by campus, across campuses in a district, and by teaching assignment.

  • Compare district data to state data by comparing the percentage of teachers a district puts forth for designation to overall district performance.

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