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Navarro Independent School District

The Heart of Geronimo

Parent Resources

Staggered Start and Dismissal

Elementary (Pre-K-2) and Intermediate (3-5)

Tardy Bell Rings at 7:30am

Dismissal at 3:05pm

Early release at 12:50pm

Junior High (6-8) and High School (9-12)

Tardy Bell Rings at 8:35am

Dismissal at 4:10pm

Early Release at 1:55pm

Traffic Flow Patterns

Navarro Elementary

An aerial view of a school drop-off and pick-up procedure, with designated lanes for different grade levels.

Navarro Intermediate

An aerial view of Navarro Intermediate School, showing the designated morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up zones.

Navarro Junior High

An aerial view of a junior high school with a designated drop-off lane marked with yellow arrows and the text 'Junior High School Morning Drop Off'.



An aerial view of a junior high/high school with designated pick-up and drop-off areas, marked with yellow arrows and the text 'Enter' and 'Exit'.

Navarro High School

An aerial view of a high school campus with designated parking areas for students and teachers, labeled with arrows indicating traffic flow.


An aerial view of a junior high/high school with designated pick-up and drop-off areas, marked with yellow arrows and the words 'Enter' and 'Exit'.

Junior High and High School afternoon pick up will now be one joined line. The line will enter at the elementary school and wind around to pick up students at the Annex. The line will exit the Annex parking lot on the side closest to the high school.

Please be aware that at 3:45pm the traffic flow will reverse from elementary/intermediate to junior high/high school pick up.

New Vehicle Waiting Area:

For parents/guardians who need a place to wait after the Elementary/Intermediate dismissal, we ask that you utilize the new Annex parking Vehicle Waiting Area. Please park in a space until the elementary dismissal line has cleared, then at 3:45pm proceed to enter the Junior High/High School new pick-up line route as pictured above.