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Navarro Independent School District

The Heart of Geronimo

Federal Programs

Director of Federal Programs
Wendy McMullen - Chief Academic Officer
(830) 372-1930

Federal Programs Financial Coordinator
Paul Neuhoff - Chief Financial Officer
(830) 372-1930

Program Description

The Federal Programs Department uses state and federal funds to provide supplemental assistance and enhancement to schools and school districts so that programs can be developed and implemented that promote academic achievement.

  • Title I Part A’s intent is to improve basic programs operated by Local Education Agencies [LEA]. This funding source provides supplemental funding for resources to assist schools with high concentrations of students from low-income families to provide a high-quality education that will enable students to meet all state standards. Title I Part A supports schools in implementing either a school-wide program or a targeted assistance program. These programs must use effective methods and instructional strategies that are grounded in scientifically based research.

  • Title II Part A funding is used for teacher and principal training and recruiting. This supplemental funding targets improving student achievement by evaluating teacher and principal quality through recruitment, hiring, and retention strategies. The program uses scientifically based professional development interventions and holds districts accountable for improvements in student academic performance.

  • Title III Part A provides supplemental resources to help ensure that children who are limited English proficient attain English proficiency at high levels in core academic subjects to meet state mandated achievement performance standards.

  • Title IV Part A provides students with a well-rounded education including programs such as college and career counseling, STEM, arts, civics and International Baccalaureate/Advanced Placement. Title IV also supports safe and healthy students with comprehensive school mental health, drug and violence prevention, training on trauma-informed practices, and health and physical education. In addition, this funding source assists districts in supporting the effective use of technology that is backed by professional development, blended learning and education tech devices.

  • The purpose of the State Compensatory Education (SCE) program is to supplement the regular education program with compensatory, intensive, and/or accelerated instruction. The program requires Texas public school districts and charter schools to offer additional accelerated instruction to each student who meets one or more statutory or locally-defined eligibility criteria. This is done in effort to reduce any disparity in performance on assessment instruments, or disparity in the rates of high school completion between students at risk of dropping out of school and all other LEA students.