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Navarro Independent School District

The Heart of Geronimo

Health Screenings 

Vision, Hearing, Acanthosis Nigricans and Scoliosis Screenings
The State of Texas requires that school districts provide certain health screenings for students throughout the school year. 

Vision and hearing screening is performed for all students in Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th grades, as well as any student who is new to NISD.

Vision: This exam is performed with the student standing 10 feet or 20 feet (depending on the card used) away from a Snellen Letter chart. They cover each eye while attempting to read the letters on the chart. If the student "fails" his/her initial vision exam, they will be re-examined a second time using the Letter chart again.

Also, if there is an ocular movement problem, the eye can be further examined using a pen light and a cover card. There is nothing painful about this exam. If the student "fails" his/her second exam, a referral letter will be mailed home suggesting the student be examined by a physician.

Hearing: This exam is performed with the student sitting in a chair and by placing the Audiometer earphones on. A "Sweep check" is performed at an intensity of 25dB(or less) at the following frequencies: 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 Hertz. If the student "fails" any one of the frequencies in either ear, he/she will be re-examined at a later date. If the second Sweep check reveals another "failing" result, an Extended Recheck will be performed and a letter of referral will be mailed home suggesting the student be examined by a physician.

Scoliosis: Scoliosis is a common spinal curvature abnormality found in adolescents.  It is usually detected in children between 10 and 14 years of age.   If your student is already under physician care, please provide the school nurse with an up to date physician letter with the diagnosis; your student will be excluded from the screening.  

Spinal screening for scoliosis is required for girls two times, once at age 10 (or fall semester of grade 5) and again at age 12 (or fall semester of grade 7). It is required for boys one time at age 13 or 14 (or fall semester grade 8).

If a parent wishes to decline spinal screening for religious reasons, a letter is required stating that they are declining school-based screening for religious reasons and that the spinal screening will be performed by a qualified professional outside of school. The school may admit the student on a provisional basis for up to 60 days. The school may deny admission until the screening record of the student is provided (PDF Exempt Form here

This exam is performed by having the student go into a private room and remove their shirt. Females are asked to be sure to wear a bra or bathing suit top that day. The curvature of the spine is then assessed by having the student bend forward, turn to each side, and stand erect with their arms at their sides. If an abnormality is found, a scoliometer is then used to measure the degree of curvature. Any abnormality is assessed a second time or by another certified Scoliosis screener for verification. If there is a spinal curvature greater than 5 degrees, a letter of referral will be mailed home suggesting the student be examined by a physician.

AN screening is required for all students in 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th grades. 

Acanthosis Nigricans: This exam is performed by simply looking at the back of the neck, armpits, or over the knuckles. Acanthosis Nigricans appears on the skin as light brown-black, velvety, rough or thickened areas. As a part of this screening, height/weight/and blood pressure is evaluated.

All screenings are done in a professional and confidential manner. At all times is the students dignity and modesty kept in the highest interest of the screeners. These screenings are meant to identify those students with a potential health problem. Any problem identified will always be referred to the parent/guardian to have a physician examine further. If a parent or guardian is unable to afford a physicians examination, there are programs the school has contact with that can help with the expenses. In no way, shape, or form do we feel the screening process should take precedence over a physicians evaluation or treatment.


If your child does not pass one of the required screenings at school, you will be notified in writing by the school nurse. Please follow-up with the appropriate medical professional and provide a written report from them to the school.