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Navarro Independent School District

The Heart of Geronimo

Flyer Guidelines

January Community Flyers

Hill Country Karate

Winter Sessions $80

Wednesdays beginning Jan. 15

Hill Country Karate


A flyer for Hill Country Karate, offering a winter session at Navarro Elementary in Seguin, Texas. The flyer includes class times, dates, and contact information.

Digital Flyer Distribution Services

Navarro ISD Communications Department offers a digital flyer sharing service offered at no charge to local non-profit organizations and approved youth-oriented programs to share extracurricular and school-related opportunities available to students and families. 

The Navarro ISD community will have access to receive notification of approved flyers through the following ways:

  1. District website - under ‘Community’ tab
  2. Parent Notification - parents and staff will receive a link to flyers included within the District Updates and Board Notes newsletter shared through ParentSquare on a monthly publication schedule (See schedule below)

Digital sharing service is NOT provided to profitable businesses outside of being youth-oriented programs. Navarro ISD agrees to digitally distribute materials for non-profit and youth-oriented programs and organizations only. Organizations are required to show proof of non-profit status. The decision on what is considered youth-oriented is at the sole discretion of the district. Approved organizations and activities are not endorsed by the district.


Navarro ISD reserves the right of final approval for the release of any flyer and may deny permission for any reason consistent with federal or state law and/or district policy.


Flyer Distribution

Submission Guidelines:

  1. Before submitting your application and flyer for approval, the flyer must include the following disclaimer: “Navarro ISD does not endorse the event, service, activities and/or product advertised in this document. This publication is not affiliated with or sponsored by Navarro ISD.”
  2. Complete the application for approval
    1.  Upload a PDF or JPG. Flyers must include contact information to reach an organization representative for questions.
    2. It is best marketing practice to refrain from using QR codes on digital flyers. Instead, use a Tiny URL or website link.
    3. Non-profits must submit proof of 501(3)(c) documentation from the IRS
  3. The Communications Department will review and approve flyers following the distribution schedule. 
    1. A confirmation email will be sent upon approval. If the flyer has been denied, then rationale will be provided. Any amendments to the flyer will require resubmission for final approval.
  4. Approved applicants may deliver up to 25 hard copies to selected campuses to be available in the front office.

Link to flyers will be shared in the District Updates and Board Notes newsletter on the following dates:

Jan. 30

Feb. 27

March 27

May 1

May 22

June 19

July 24

Aug. 30

Submit Your Flyer Here