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Navarro Independent School District

The Heart of Geronimo

STAAR Score Testing Access

This year parents will access their child’s STAAR results online, which is new.  Hard copies of student STAAR results will not be mailed this year. Parents or guardians may access their child’s STAAR results online.

Steps to Access Your Child’s STAAR Scores

  1. Go to the Texas Assessment website.
  2. You will see a screen like this:
    Screenshot, titled Learn more about your child's score
  3. If you have your access code, enter the code and your child’s birthdate and click “Log in to Student Portal” to view scores.
  4. If you do NOT have your access code, click on “Find My Access Code” link. You will then see a screen like this:
    Screenshot of the login screen for Texas Assessment
  5. Enter your child’s first name only and his or her social security number in the SSN or S-Number field, and birthdate.
  6. Your access code will appear in the code field with a message saying “Access Code Lookup Successful”. Click the blue “Go” button again to see your child’s scores. Be sure to write down your access code for future use. The unique access code will be used each year when taking STAAR.