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Navarro Independent School District

The Heart of Geronimo

Student Drug Testing Regulations

Student Drug Testing Regulations

Navarro ISD has adopted a board policy requiring students participating in extracurricular activities to submit to random drug tests. Before a student is eligible to participate in extracurricular activities, the student shall be required annually to sign a consent form agreeing to be subject to the rules and procedures of the drug-testing program. If the student is under the age of 18, the student's parent or guardian shall also sign a consent form. 

Extracurricular activities include Athletics, Fine Arts, Academic UIL Extracurriculars and all Academic Clubs. It is required to complete this form if you are currently participating, or plan to participate during the 2024-2025 school year.

Drug testing results shall be used only to determine eligibility for extracurricular activities. The District has contracted with a certified drug-testing laboratory to test students' urine samples. Positive drug test results shall not be used to impose disciplinary sanctions (other than suspension of parking privileges) or academic penalties. Nevertheless, nothing in this policy shall limit or affect the application of state law, local policy, or the Student Code of Conduct. A student  who commits a disciplinary offense shall be subject to consequences under the Student Code of Conduct. The screening results will not be included in the student's cumulative school records. 

  • Screening shall be conducted by an independent laboratory using an accepted immunological screening procedure.  
  • All drugs detected by the screen shall be confirmed before being reported as positive.  
  • Testing shall be administered by qualified laboratory personnel and the District's professional staff. 
  • The laboratory shall screen for the following substances: amphetamines, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, cocaine,  marijuana, opiates, PCP, propoxyphene, and MDMA.

Students will be randomly selected for screening according to the following guidelines: 

  1. Random test collections will occur up to four times yearly at 6th-12th grade levels.  
  2. The drug company will select 15 students per testing session, with five alternates included on the list.  
  3. The drug-testing laboratory shall use a random selection method to identify students chosen for random testing.  
  4. Students shall not receive prior notice of the testing date or time. 


• If appropriate consent is not given, the student shall not be allowed to participate in extracurricular activities or park on campus. 

• If a student refuses to be tested when selected, the student shall be prohibited from further participation in extracurricular activities until the student agrees to be tested. 

• If a student is absent on the day of the random test, the random list will include more students than will be tested, and those students will be tested.  

• If a student is determined to have tampered with a sample, they shall be deemed to have a positive test result.  Depending on any previous positive test results, they shall be subject to the appropriate consequences.

This institution does not discriminate based on race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sex, or disability in providing education services, activities, and programs per Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact your campus principal. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Navarro ISD implemented a random drug testing program to promote student safety and well-being. The program aims to prevent injuries, illnesses, and harms associated with drug and alcohol use among students participating in extracurricular activities as well as provide accountability and empowerment for students to reject drug usage when pressured by peers.

  • Changes to policy FNF (Local) were approved by the Navarro ISD Board of Trustees in June 2024. In May 2024, the board was introduced to the regulations proposed by administration to implement a random drug testing program for extracurricular activities. After the board provided feedback on the procedures,  the administration then recommended approval of the FNF (Local) policy revisions and regulations presented to implement a random drug testing program for extracurricular activities at Navarro ISD for students in grades 6-12.

    The Board Policy revision was approved with regulations by the board on June 17, 2024. The policy was submitted to the Texas Association of School Boards, who shared language to update the policy in the online document. Several Texas school districts have also implemented FNF (Local) policy and it is applied to all students participating in any extracurricular including athletics, fine arts, and UIL Academics. Distribution of the policy was shared via ParentSquare in August 2024, and it can be found on page 91 on the student handbook under Parent Resources.

  • All students in grades 6-12 who participate in school-sponsored extracurricular activities are subject to the random drug testing program. This includes athletics, fine arts, and academic clubs.

  • The District contracts with a certified drug-testing laboratory to conduct testing of students’ urine samples. Testing laboratories shall not release statistics regarding the rate of positive drug tests to any person or organization without consent of the District. Screening shall be conducted by an independent laboratory using an accepted immunological screening procedure. All drugs detected by the screen shall be confirmed before being reported as positive. Testing shall be administered by qualified laboratory personnel and professional staff of the District.

  • The drug testing program screens for the following substances: amphetamines, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, cocaine, marijuana, opiates, PCP, propoxyphene, and MDMA.

  • Random drug tests are conducted up to four times a year at both the junior high and high school levels.

  • Students are selected for random testing using a computerized random selection method used by the drug testing company.  Students shall not receive prior notice of the testing date or time.

  • The drug company will select 15 students per testing session with five alternates to be included on the list.

  • Each student selected shall be required to provide a urine sample to the laboratory representative or professional staff person. Personnel from the drug-testing laboratory shall collect urine samples under conditions that are no more intrusive than the conditions experienced in a public restroom. When selected for testing, a student shall be escorted to the school’s testing site restroom by a district employee and shall remain under employee supervision until the student provides a sample. Neither the supervising district employee nor the laboratory representative will directly observe the students providing their urine sample. A student shall produce a sample within a closed restroom stall or urinal. Facilities are secure with only one student testing in the restroom at a time.

  • A student who refuses to be tested when selected is considered to have a positive test result and will face the appropriate consequences.

    A student who refuses to be tested when selected or who is determined to have tampered with a sample shall be deemed to have a positive test result and shall be subject to the appropriate consequences depending on previous positive test results, if any. Any student who refuses to be tested shall be referred to the principal and/or superintendent and shall be prohibited from further participation in extracurricular activities until the student agrees to be tested. If a student is absent on the day of the random test, the random list will include more students than will be tested and those students will be tested. 


  • Drug testing results shall be used only to determine eligibility for participation in extracurricular activities. Positive drug test results shall not be used to impose disciplinary sanctions (other than suspension of parking privileges) or academic penalties. Nevertheless, nothing in this policy shall limit or affect the application of state law, local policy, or the Student Code of Conduct. A student who commits a disciplinary offense shall be subject to consequences in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.

  • An initial positive test shall be confirmed by a second test of the same specimen before being reported as positive or by the student admitting to use of a controlled substance. Upon receiving results of a positive drug test, the District shall schedule a meeting with the student, the student’s parent or guardian if the student is under the age of 18, and the coach or sponsor of the extracurricular activity to review the test results and discuss consequences. The student or parent/guardian shall have seven school days following the meeting to provide a medical explanation for a positive result. Explanation will only be accepted from the attending/prescribing physician or the child’s primary care doctor.

    Retesting: If the student wishes to return to participation in extracurricular activities the student must either:

    ∙ Provide medical explanation to the District by a certified Physician or

    ∙ Wait 30 school days (1st offense)

    ∙ Wait 60 school days (2nd offense)

    The student shall be retested on all random test dates for the remainder of the year.

    Drug Abuse Prevention: The District shall notify the parent and student of drug and alcohol abuse prevention resources available in the area.


  • Consequences of positive test results shall be cumulative through the student’s enrollment in the District.

    Procedures for a first offense include:

    1. The parent or guardian of the student shall be notified to discuss the student’s sanctions.

    2. The approval of the athletic director, principal, and coach or sponsor shall be obtained before the student is reinstated in the activity.

    Sanctions for a first offense include:

    1. The student shall be suspended from the extracurricular activity for a minimum of 30 school days. During the period of suspension, the student may participate in the practices but not in any competitive activities or performances.

    2. The student shall be required to participate in each random test as long as they remain a student in the District.

    3. The student must complete three hours of counseling at a Texas Department of State Health approved provider. Cost of the counseling is the responsibility of the parents/guardians. 

    Procedures for a second offense include:

    1. The parent or guardian of the student shall be notified to discuss the student’s sanctions.

    2. The approval of the athletic director, principal, and coach or sponsor shall be obtained before the student is reinstated in the activity.

    Sanctions for a second offense include:

    1. The student shall be suspended from the extracurricular activity for a minimum of 60 school days. During the period of suspension, the student may participate in the practices but not in any competitive activities or performances.

    2. The student shall be required to participate in each random test as long as they remain a student in the District.

    3. The student must complete six hours of counseling at a Texas Department of State Health approved provider. Cost of the counseling is the responsibility of the parents/guardians.

    Procedures for a third offense include:

    1. The parent or guardian of the student shall be notified to discuss the student’s sanctions.

    2. The approval of the athletic director, principal, and coach or sponsor shall be obtained before the student is reinstated in the activity.

    Sanctions for a third offense include:

    1. The student shall be suspended from participation in any extracurricular activity for a calendar year from the receipt of the results of the drug test. During the period of suspension, the student may not participate in any competitive activities or performances.

    2. The student shall be required to participate in each random test as long as they remain a student in the District.

    3. The student must complete nine hours of counseling at a Texas Department of State Health approved provider. Cost of the counseling is the responsibility of the parents/guardians.


  • A student or parent/guardian may appeal a decision made under this policy in accordance with FNG(LOCAL). The student shall be ineligible for participation in extracurricular activities while the appeal is pending.

  • Parents can accompany their child to the school on the day of the random test, but they will not be allowed to observe the testing process. Parents will be required to wait in the school lobby.

  • Once the specimens are collected a strict chain of custody shall be followed. Laboratory personnel shall take specimens to the lab for processing. The collection and coding of specimen samples shall be executed in a manner ensuring total confidentiality and proper identification. The lab shall send results to the Superintendent and/or the principal. Drug-testing results shall be confidential and shall be disclosed only to the student, the student’s parents or guardian, and designated District officials who need the information in order to administer the drug-testing program. Drug test results shall not be maintained with the student’s academic record. Results shall not be otherwise disclosed except as required by law.

  • You can find more information about the drug testing program in the Navarro ISD student handbook and board policy.