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Navarro Independent School District

The Heart of Geronimo

Title Programs

Title I, Part A - Improving Basic Programs

Title I, Part A, is a federally funded program designed to provide opportunities for children served to acquire the knowledge and skills contained in the state's challenging content and student performance standards that all children are expected to meet. Navarro Elementary School and Navarro Intermediate School receive Title I funds to support school-wide improvement. Title Funds may be used to support the following programs.

  • Title I teachers will provide supplemental group and individualized instruction to the students who exhibit the most need in the areas of reading and math based on their performance on reading and math inventories conducted at the beginning of the year. They will also collaborate with and train teachers in reading and math assessment and instructional strategies.

  • Dyslexia services – These services are individualized based on student need. Referral for dyslexia assessment is made through the Student Support Committee.

  • Title I teachers and instructional aides will provide supplemental group instruction to students who are struggling in math and reading. They will also collaborate with teachers on individualizing math and reading instruction and aligning the curriculum with the state TEKS objectives.

  • Parent training – Parent training sessions are coordinated by the counselor and are usually provided in the evening. These may cover a variety of topics, such as student bullying and harassment, behavior management, attention deficit disorder, and providing positive support for children.

  • Parent nights – Parent nights are scheduled throughout the year to promote parent involvement.

  • Professional Development – The Title I teachers use these funds to attend training in reading, math, and promoting parent involvement. The funds also support the training of all teachers through district and campus-wide professional development.

  • Homeless students – Title I funds are utilized district-wide to support the needs of students identified as homeless.

  • Supplemental instructional supplies – Supplies for supplemental small group and individualized instruction in the classroom are provided by Title I, as an enhancement of the assessment process to identify student needs.

  • Parent involvement – A variety of parent involvement activities are supported through Title I, including the parent volunteer program, grade level parent meetings, and Parent Advisory Committee meetings.

  • Private - Non-Profit - Title funds may be utilized for the purposes of supporting Private-Non-Profit schools who service students who qualify for Title I services within the district boundaries or students who live within the boundaries and are served by Private-Non-Profit schools outside of the district boundary when no Private-Non-Profit schools operate within the district boundary.

Title II, Part A - Teacher and Principal Training

Title II, Part A Principal and Teacher Training is a federally funded program providing financial assistance to school districts in order to ensure that teachers and administrators have access to intensive and sustained high quality professional development that will have a positive and lasting impact, to ensure a highly qualified and appropriately certified professional staff, and/or to reduce class size. Navarro ISD will use these funds to provide high quality professional development for administrators and teachers, and to assist teachers with certification issues.