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Navarro Independent School District

The Heart of Geronimo

Board Operating Procedures and Code of Conduct

NISD Board of Trustees Code of Conduct and Board Operating Procedures

  1. Clearly define the Board’s vision for Navarro ISD.
  2. Establish and acknowledge that each Board member is a team member and the Board will operate as a team for the benefit of Navarro ISD.
  3. Develop trust and respect for the diverse valuable contributions and experiences of each Board team member through dialog with the administration through the Superintendent and among the Board Members as stipulated in the Board Code of Conduct and Board Operating Procedures.
  4. Recognize and adopt the Board Code of Conduct and Board Operating Procedures as the guide to properly fulfill the roles and responsibilities of the the Board as a body corporate and as individual Board members.
  5. Make timely date-driven decisions based upon Board policy, administrative recommendations, and applicable law.